My Earliest Memory
My earliest memory involves me in my crib most likely when I was living in Alaska. I was sitting in my crib playing with toy cars and I dropped on between the bars onto the floor. I then proceeded to cry and rock my crib back and forth because I was old enough to stand. I rocked the crib so much that I managed to tip it over so that I could get to my toy. Another memory that comes to mind is making snow angles in the back yard while living in Alaska; I was older because my sister who is two years younger than I am was also there. I also remember running across her stomach while my grandmother was changing her. The next memory that comes to mind is swinging my sister really high on a small indoor swing that we use to have as children. She would always cry when I came around when she was on the swing because she knew what I was going to do.
There is another memory I have of our first dog Sam, when I lived in Alaska; my neighbor was also my babysitter. Sam would jump the fence to see us and Teea, my babysitter would get really mad and march him back next door. We ended up leaving Sam in Alaska when we drove down to Seattle not that we wanted too. We initially left him there while we found a place to live, then we were going to send back for him. But Teea’s German Sheppard ended up dying and was really upset about it and wanted to keep Sam. So my Dad ended up giving in.
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