Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Article Summary 14: Hyenas Cooperate, Problem-solve Better Than Primate

Hyenas Cooperate, Problem-solve Better Than Primates. Science Daily [Internet]. 2009 Sept 16 [cited 2009 Sept 29]. Available from: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090928131032.htm

Conventional wisdom tells us that primates with large brains like monkeys are smarter than animals with small brains like dogs or hyenas. Yet new research shows that hyenas actually outperform chimpanzees on cooperative problem-solving tests.

Pairs of spotted hyenas were given a task that required them to work together to tug two ropes in unison in order to release food. Time and again, hyenas with no prior training were able to learn the maneuver. Additionally, hyenas who had seen the task before even taught partners with no prior experience. In contrast, chimpanzees given a similar task required extensive training, and cooperation between individuals was difficult.

The research also showed that social factors affected how quickly hyena pairs were able to accomplish the task: when other hyenas were present, experienced animals solved the task faster; when dominant hyenas were paired together, teamwork was more difficult even if the two had been successful in pervious trials with subordinate partners.

This research does not mean that hyenas are necessarily smarter than primates. It does indicate that carnivores that hunt in packs have good cooperative problem solving skills, and studying them may give us a better understanding of how social intelligence has evolved and will continue to evolve.

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