Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Article Summary 11: Swine flu hid out in pigs for a decade, expert says

Fox, Maggie. Swine flu hid out in pigs for a decade, expert says. Science Daily [Internet]. 2009 Sept 15 [cited 2009 Sept 22]. Available from: http://www.newsdaily.com/stories/tre58e51g-us-flu-swine/

Research shows that the H1N1 influenza virus was circulating unnoticed in pigs for over a decade before it mutated and jumped to humans. Scientists and researchers believe that the virus may have even been circulating in humans for months before the links between patients were detected. The H1N1 virus that has been recovered from both pigs and people alike has bird-like genetic sequences in it. These sequences indicate that the virus actually jumped from birds to pigs first. Based on these facts, this article contends that we need much better surveillance of pandemics in the future.

Since it has transferred to people, the virus has been evolving at a rate 1.5 times higher than the rate it evolved in swine. Fortunately, the pandemic H1N1 is not currently mutating, a relief to researchers working its vaccine. Experts do expect that it will eventually change though.

Doctors and health organizations are looking into the future and brainstorming about how to increase observation in both animals and people. They are also searching for ways to prepare for the next pandemic more effectively, especially since influenza viruses mutate regularly and are easy to trace because of their rate of change.

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